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Static Menu Creation

A new menu type ‘STATIC Menu’ is available for the selection in the Menu Type field and up on selection of ‘CYCLE Menu’ menu type will display a mandatory value in the Program type field as ‘REGULAR’.

Important points to consider -

  • User should be able to create STATIC Menu only if Location menu set up is available for the respective parameter combination for REGULAR as the Program Type selected.

  • Menu Creation process for Static menu type will be similar to currently existing menu creation functionality.

  • End date field is non-mandatory. If kept blank, the menu will have NO end date (i.e., this menu will be for infinite time, unless user creates another menu with a new start date-which will always be either current date or future date.)

  • If end date is provided, then the menu will have an expiry date and user will be able to create new Static menu with same parameter combination from the next date itself, similar to the currently existing functionality in system)

  • ‘Start Date can be a SUNDAY only’ and ‘End Date can be a SATURDAY only.’

  • Only 2 STATIC menus for the Account-Location combination can be created, one for AA YES and another for AA NO.

  • The Static menu will always be by default created for ‘Regular’ program Type only.

  • User can add multiple program types to this same menu using the ‘Add Diet’ button (explained in further section)

  • Any new Diets added to this menu will be displayed as a separate tab below the Meal periods.

  • Users can move through these tabs and create/add/update the menu items separately along with any other features.

  • The existing validation is mandatory of having the Location menu setup available for the Program Type addition in the Static menu.

  • The ‘Add Diet’ button will be available only on the Menu Month view screen of every CYCLE menu.

  • Clicking on this button will open a pop-up. A drop down will display all the active diets/program types as per the Location menu setup available for that menu parameter combination. All the active program types should be displayed alphabetically in the drop down. Provide checkbox for the selection of diet. Users should be able to add a single diet.

  • Selection of a diet and click on NEXT button (by selecting Start New option) below the drop down, will add a new tab with the selected diet name, with blank data in all the days for that menu-meal period combination only.

Only Diet Spread

This functionality will allow diet spread from single FROM menu to single TO menu, users should be able to spread the data from one diet to another in the existing menu-meal period only.

Selection of proper diet in FROM MENU and TO MENU fields and click on NEXT will copy the proper menu items from ‘FROM Menu’ to ‘TO menu’ diet for same menu-meal period combination only. The menu items from a Weekday in FROM menu should get copied to same Weekday in TO menu.

On click on Spread items button, a new pop up ‘Add New Diet’ will be populated as seen below -

On click of ‘Search icon’ present beside each Menu item, a new pop-up will be populated which will display all the active recipes/products available in masters as per the LOB/Account/Location existing validations. The user can select only a single product or recipe here, this will be useful in case where ‘NO item’ is marked in Recipe/Product master, or in case where user wants to change/replace an already mapped Alternate item with another item for some reason.

Any change made at this menu diet tab creation level, will be cascaded at the menu level,I.e., this item addition will be reflected in all the days of that menu-meal period-Diet tab.

Menu Month View >> New menu creation from existing menu -Using Start Date functionality

The Start date field will be available at top right corner for selection purpose on the Menu Month View (Calendar page-All Weeks screen only) in an enabled mode only for EDIT menu option.

  • User needs to click on the calendar icon of the Start Date field here and select a new date (Current/Future date as a new start date) and the user should be able to select only SUNDAY as a new start date.

  • This feature will be available only for the CYCLE menus, for which the end date is/was not selected during menu creation.

Note: The new menu created will NOT have an end date, it will remain infinite in this case. Also, the new menu will have NO items in any of the Diets-grids-days. This will be a blank menu.

  • The selected date will act as the Start date of new menu, with NO end date.
  • The previous menu will get updated with END date as: (Selected Start date – 1)

Current Menu: Menu A
Start date: 3 Jan 2021 (Sunday)

Now, if user selects the new Start date as 6 June 2021 and creates new menu, then below will be the details:
New Menu: Menu B:
Start Date: 6 June 2021 (Sunday)

Previous Menu: Menu A
Start date: 3 Jan 2021 (Sunday)
End Date: 5 June 2021 (Saturday), automatically created.

Menu Month View >> UI

  • Unlike the Cycle menu, the Static menu will be a One-day menu, and hence the Calendar screen of this menu will always showcase a single day, representing all the weekdays for which this menu has been created.

  • A ‘All Days’ check box is available at the top to ensure that any data added at any point of time for any date can be made available for all the rest of the days starting from the selected date.

  • If this check box is not selected, user can add the data for a specific individual date only.

All the existing features (UI + functionalities) in the Menu Details screen will remain as they are, along with new features mentioned in this section below -

1.New Addition: Week/Meal type/Diet drop-down

  • Added new drop-down fields for: Date, Meal Period and Program Type/Diet


  • This will display calendar for the date selection.

  • User can select past as well as Future date as per the menu created.

Meal Period:

  • This will display the Meal period for which the current menu details screen is open/displayed.

Program Type/Diet:

  • This drop down will display the Diets for which the current menu is created.

GO button:

  • Selection/Changing data for any one or all the above 3 dropdowns, and click on GO button, will navigate user to the respective Program types- Date- Meal period combination’s Menu Details screen.

2.New addition: GRID-Column: SPREAD LINE

  • This column will display the spread line value I.e., the sequence value of an item same as that was selected during the diet creation.
  • For newly created menus, this column can be blank, if sequence is not added during menu creation and for a menu created using another Diet/Suggested/Previous menu, will display the same values as set during the Spread rules are set, also, if for any item this value is NOT set, keep this column blank.

  • Every item on the Menu Details page will get displayed in descending order, I.e., item with lowest value should get displayed at top in the list.

  • When the user changes the spread value for an item, it is expected to get displayed at an appropriate place immediately.

  • Any newly added items, with no Spread line number, will always get displayed at the bottom of existing list.

Note: Any item which does NOT have a value in this column should be displayed at the bottom of the existing list.


Item 1: Spread line value 45
Item 2: Spread line value 10

In this case Item 2 will get displayed at top, followed by Item 1.
Now, If user adds two new items:
Item 3: Spread line value: 85
Item 4: Spread line value: 5

Then, the list will get displayed as below:
Item 4: Spread line value: 5
Item 2: Spread line value 10
Item 1: Spread line value 45
Item 3: Spread line value: 85

3.New addition: Delete Spread button:

  • The functionality of this button is to delete the selected item from all the tabs in the menu-meal period combination.

  • This will delete the selected item from selected DIET tab and the alternative/replaced item from other Diet tabs as well.

  • Click on the DELETE SPREAD button will display a confirmation pop-up asking the user “Are you sure you want to delete the selected item from all Diets in this Menu- Meal Period?”

    • Click on YES, will delete that item throughout the spread (Menu-Meal period-ALL Diets).

    • Click on NO, will not perform any operation.

4.New Addition: New Column: Substitute

  • Clicking on this icon will open a pop-up window which will display the same grid (I.e,displaying the original item in column1 and the alternative from master in next grid) displayed on the ‘ADD NEW’ pop-up during new Diet addition on Calendar page.
  • This functionality will be useful in case where ‘NO item’ is marked in Recipe/Product master, or in case where user wants to change/replace an already mapped Alternate item with another item for some reason.

  • Any change made at this menu diet tab creation level, will be cascaded at the menu level,i.e., this item addition will be reflected in all the days of that menu-meal period-Diet tab.

5.Menu Details screen >> Spread Rule icon

Clicking on this icon currently opens that item in the new TAB with ATTRIBUTES as default tab, any changes done here should reflect on the menu details screen once user tries to perform Diet Spreading for that item.

Recipe - Attributes Tab -

A recipe/product will be used for data pull during menu creation from Regular diet to other diets only if the ‘Is Regular’ checkbox is selected, and data is added in the GRID.

  • If an alternative is added for a diet, same will be pulled in DIET SPREAD.

  • If nothing must be pulled (I.e., NO alternative or NO base recipe/product), there will be a ‘NO Item’ option to mark that menu item. A ‘NO item’ check mark will be provided, and selection of this checkbox means, no item will be pulled.

Please Note: If the ‘Is Regular’ checkbox is NOT selected, then this base Recipe/Product will NOT be considered for Data pull at all.