📄️ What Is Workflow?
Workflow keeps track of who does what functions in the system, how MealPlanner is organized in your system, and what information is available for you to review. You can add titles, specific names, and roles to specific workflows like “inventory” or “Update Recipe Tab” which will allow you to keep track of who is editing specific parts of the CulinarySuite program at all times. You can also review ratings of your products here by consumers that have been submitted in the MealPlanner application. Within this section you will also learn how to upload images and hyperlinks to the MealPlanner application.
📄️ Configuration
To see all of the configurations, hover over the Workflow tab and click on the tab that says Configuration and click on it.
📄️ Audit Trail
The Audit Trail allows admins to see all the information in a specific module and submodule of the system to see who last modified its contents and when they last modified its contents. This allows you to keep track of who is making changes in the system and when.
📄️ Rating Admin Panel
The Rating Admin Panel will generate data of the rankings of each food item by consumers via Meal Planner. You will be able to see the foods that have been ranked in your system out of 5 stars. You can sort the table by any of the columns to view their ratings. You can also see comments, who made the comment, if you can contact them, and what email to contact them at.
📄️ Screen Hyperlink Configuration
Screen Hyperlink Configuration allows you to upload pictures, text, and hyperlinks that will be used in the FD Meal Planner application. This will allow you to customize your menus, create hyperlinks on your menu page, and add more scenery to the Meal Planner application.
📄️ Report Configuration
Report Configuration
📄️ Dashboard Configuration
Dashboard Configuration
📄️ User Transactions
User View Work Flow Transaction
📄️ Notifications
The Notifications module will demonstrate the ways in which admins can send out messages to all users in the CulinarySuite application to be viewed either in the home page or by hitting the notification bell Notification Icon at the top of the screen. You will learn how to configure these notifications and send out notifications.
📄️ Broadcast
The Broadcast section will teach you how to send out notifications to everyone on the home page. You can add text to title the announcement or you can add hyperlinks for people to follow as well. This is a good way to avoid sending mass emails and instead interact with people on a virtual announcement board.