Screen Hyperlink Configuration
Screen Hyperlink Configuration allows you to upload pictures, text, and hyperlinks that will be used in the FD Meal Planner application. This will allow you to customize your menus, create hyperlinks on your menu page, and add more scenery to the Meal Planner application.
To access this page, hover over Workflow and find the Screen Hyperlink Configuration tab and click on it.
When you click on this tab, you will be linked to the page below where you will need to insert the Account that you want to add to.
In order to add another image, hit the add button on the top right. You will be presented with a black empty box which you can customize and edit things in the box. By hitting the button, you will add a hyperlink on this image so that when it is scrolled over or touched on the mobile app, you will be sent to the webpage that you have linked.
By clicking inside the box, you can add text, upload an image, and utilize all the text customizations on the top of the page.
You can also hit the flag on the bottom indicating whether this image or text box is a meal price. This will be configured to the menu item in MealPlanner. After you are done editing this image or textbox, you can hit the save button, you will then see your image on the list generated.
On MealPlanner, these images will form on the left side of the webpage in the order that it is listed on CulinarySuite.
In order to switch the sequence of the images, you can hit the “Resequence” button in the third column. You can hit the up arrow to move it up, or the down arrow to move it down.
You can also modify the image by hitting the icon or delete it by hitting the