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Purchase Overview

CulinarySuite’s Purchase module supports the ability to order products based on the planned menus. This user guide focuses on the tasks needed to effectively navigate within the Purchase module.

Included in this user guide:

  • View the order guide as well as an order guide for a specific vendor

  • View Product Specs

  • Place an order from a vendor

  • Create a Change Request to the order guide (add or remove items)

  • Create purchase orders

  • Copy/edit an existing purchase order

  • Create a purchase by invoice (PBI)

  • Reconcile an invoice

  • Run a purchase journal

Purchase Orders are "wish lists". A purchase order can be compared to the "shopping list" you may give to your spouse to use when making a trip to the supermarket. Let's use an example. A "shopping list" (Purchase Order) indicates 10 cans of tomatoes. Sometimes the supermarket does not have enough cans of tomatoes and your spouse comes home with only 8 of the 10 cans requested. The Invoice can be compared to the supermarket store receipt. It is the record of what was purchased (8 cans of tomatoes). Remember that 10 cans were not purchased, 8 cans were purchased.