Print Signage
- On the Menu screen, click the Signage button (left side). A popup screen will appear.
Click the Calendar button to select From and To dates.
Enter the number of copies to produce.
Choose whether you want this document in a pdf file or a word document.
Select the desired language for the signage. (English or Spanish). Please note, Spanish will only work if the menu items are setup to be available in Spanish. The MealPlanner site will automatically translate menu items to several other languages. The signage is separate from that.
Click the Print button.
A Zip file will download.
Click to open the Zip file. Your menu signs will be in a PDF format.
NoteThere are no graphics on the daily signs.
You can use an overlay with sign holders.
Signage printed from a concept menu will display one page per concept/day containing the first entrée selected to show on the menu, its description, any sides associated to it and allergens. Signage printed from a monthly menu will display one page per day containing the first two entrees selected to show on the menu, their descriptions, any associated sides and allergens.
Signs will display the marketing name and description that are relevant to the location on the menu.